Radio Zamindar
What is Radio Zamindar?
Radio zamindar is a Value-Added Service, which offers awareness via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to telecom users on various topics mainly focusing on Agriculture, Health & Livestock, targeting the rural-based populace of Pakistan. The entire service is designed to be as easily accessible as possible, everything from the subscription instructions to the service, to listening in, requires very little effort. Our main target is to improve yields, save farmers from disasters, and encourage greater social recognition. We provide Agricultural knowledge in our live radio shows and also have the capacity of calling experts over and have live calls with them. Our entire content is curated by a team comprising experts on a plethora of topics. Not only is the focus on creating quality content but also on making sure the content is understandable for the target audience. This is augmented by the fact that the broadcasts are in several regional languages. These languages include Punjabi, Saraiki, Pashto, Sindhi among others.

Radio Presenters
On radio programmes, our Radio Presenters serve as the public's voice. They are in charge of introducing and conducting interviews guests, linking sections, and keeping the show together in general.